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Owners Title Insurance: Understanding the Basics

Learn the basics of owners title insurance - what it is, why it's important and how it differs from other real estate title products. Find answers in this article.

What is Owners Title Insurance?

Owners Title Insurance, also known as an Owner's Policy, is a type of title insurance that insures home buyers and mortgage lenders against any claims or legal disputes involving the title of the property. Typically issued at the closing of a real estate transaction, the insurance safeguards against any property ownership claims by previous owners, lenders, or individuals with an interest in the property.

What Does Owners Title Insurance Cover?

Owners Title Insurance covers many types of claims and disputes related to the title of a property. It can cover items such as:

  • Fraudulent or forged conveyance documents
  • Inconsistencies between deed records and county records
  • Liens against the property
  • Hidden outstanding mortgages
  • Incorrectly executed documents during a previous real estate transaction
  • Easements or other rights by unknown individuals or entities

In the event a claim arises related to these issues, Owners Title Insurance can cover any associated legal fees and damages.

Do I Need to Purchase Title Insurance?

When purchasing a home, most lenders will require that you purchase an Owner's Policy. This is due to the fact that without title insurance, lenders can be left with little or no protection against potential title claims and disputes. Without an Owner's Policy, lenders would bear the brunt of any associated costs related to a title claim, such as legal fees.

In addition to being required by most lenders, title insurance is a wise investment for any home buyer. Home buyers can benefit from purchasing Owners Title Insurance as it can protect them against potentially costly title disputes. In addition, an Owner's Policy will remain in effect as long as the owner maintains an interest in the property.


Owners Title Insurance is a type of title insurance that insures home buyers and lenders against any title claims or disputes involving the property. It can cover a variety of title-related issues and provide some peace of mind for all parties involved in the transaction. Although it is typically required by lenders, it is wise for all home buyers to invest in an Owner's Policy for additional protection in the event of a title dispute.

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